What We Do
What we do:
CACPD has divided its programs in four major themes: Humanitarian Action, Long Term Development, Peacebuilding and Advocacy. Each theme has sub themes and focus group or thematic working group.
CACPD collaborates with networks of Faith-Based Organizations, FBOs, Community-Based Organizations, CBOs, International Non-Governmental Organizations, Governments, Institutions and Corporations to make right things done on time and within the budget.
Local partners own the program and are the implementing partners whereas CACPD co- monitor and evaluate the agreed activities. We midwife the process.
Each Partner’s associations have a board and a General Assembly; an Executive Director (ED), Deputy ED for Operations (DEDO), Program Director for Programs (PDP), supported by a Program Officer (PO) and a Program Manager (PM) or Program Assistant (PA).
CACPD is based in US and provides a range of strategic, management and programmatic support to the US programs staffs and to the provincial Network in the four Provinces of DRC.
The Executive Director, ED, liaises closely with other members of the Congolese organizations in US and outside. The ED is required to travel regularly to country offices to provide management support, monitor and evaluate program, as well as to participate in strategic planning sessions and regional meetings. The ED reports to the board Vice President.
I. Thematic Programs
I.1 Humanitarian Action
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery.
I.2 Poverty Reduction and Community Sustainable Development, PRCSD
- Agriculture and Natural Resources Management
- Business Diversity
- Economic Justice (Fair Trade)
- Education
- Environment Protection (Climate Change, Pollution)
- Government (Citizen Participation)
I.3 Peace Building
- Conflict Transformation
- Peace and Human Security
- Restorative Justice
- Transgenerational Trauma
- Human Rights
I.4 Advocacy
II. Our Approach
We draw our working approach from two Congolese philosophical work ethics: Umoja Nguvu meaning collaboration in Kiswahili (North East and South of DR Congo) and Diyoto meaning Participation in Kikongo (Western DR Congo)
- Work with Individuals
- Work with Communities
- Work with Organizations
- Work with Corporations
- Work with Institutions
- Work with Governments
A. Our Services
- Conduct Assessment: Assess the impact of crises on particular individuals and communities through interviews with the local communities. Conduct interviews with other individuals knowledgeable about the situation, including NGO staff and United Nations and government officials.
- Develop Program: We use the Business plan and Business development approach to develop program.
- Design, Monitor and Evaluation of Projects: Sphere Minimum Standard and Logical Framework, Log frame, have been preferred by our partners and donors as tool to use for DM&E.
- Training: Our training is more in line with Capacity Building approach. We train our partners to be trainers. Training components include:
- What is training, Pedagogy and Andragogy;
- Training Needs Assessment;
- Designing Training Modules;
- Effective Communications Skills;
- Group Dynamics;
- Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes: Focus on Gender Issues and facilitation skills;
- Seminars: our seminars are organized around our themes, sub themes, and can last one day or more days depending on our partners.
- Consultations: We offer consulting service and charge a consulting fee. Our fees are negotiable.
- Research: We use Participatory Action Research and Community Based Participatory Research, which are close to our collaborative and participative approach to research local knowledge of particular subject.
- Publications: Our Partners are encouraged to make public their knowledge Skills and abilities and create resources locally.
- Coalition Building/Networking: Our Partners are encouraged to network with other organizations locally and most of them have succeeded that way.
B. Our Impact: Information Technology, IT, presents opportunities that nobody wants to miss. Our Programs are developed and designed to have measurable and relevant impact at:
- Local
- National
- Regional
- Global