Congolese American Council for Peace and Development
Read our Reports
The Congolese Women Literacy Program 2009 - 2010 Report (pdf)
Scholarship Program and Achievement in 2008—2010
Dr. Arsene from Bukavu, South Kivu, before
Dr. Arsene Now helping children of war in Goma, North Kivu
Dr. Arsene Tupende is today a pediatrician and he is working in Goma, North Kivu. Tupende is a Swahili name for love. He is originally from Bukavu, South Kivu. I came to know Dr. Arsene in 1995, when I was working with the Mennonite Central Committee in Bukavu, Eastern Congo. He was a neighbor and a guardian angel for me.
When wars broke out in 1996, and then 1998, he left Bukavu and went to Burundi as a refugee. Life was so difficult for him as he didn’t have anyone to support him.
One thing, Dr. Arsene didn’t give up was his dream and a passion to serve children. At the end of wars, I encouraged him to go back to Congo and study. He did and made it. Thanks to Cacpd sponsorship.
With our own small grant generated from our book selling we supported his study and we our proud he was able to make it.
Today, he is responding to the call of children of Goma, miles away from his South Kivu province. He is sharing his love, passion and care with children of Goma. He works at Goma General Hospital as Pediatrician.
We want to do more if you can make your contribution.
You can write to Dr. Arsene :
CACPD Achievement in 2000—06
At CACPD we like to Doing More with Less. With a grant (or grants) received from Edna Wardlaw Trust we supported the work of our 6 local Congolese Partners:
- Ligue des Jeunes pour des Grands Lacs, LJGL( Human Rights based organization)
- Conseil Pour la Paix et la Reconciliation, COPARE (Peace and Justice based organization)
- Tous Unis Pour Batir, TUBA (community development based organization)
- Reseau des Femmes Mennonites du Congo, RFMC (Congolese Mennonite Women network)
- Groupement des Paysans de Maluku, GPM (A farmers cooperative)
- Centre pour la Resolution des Conflits, Gouvernance et leadership, CRCGL (peace building based organization)
Success Stories
- Institution building:
In Goma (N. Kivu) with a grant from CACPD, our local partners Ligue des Jeunes des Grands Lacs, LJGL, was able to rent an office, subscribe to internet, organize training of the local NGOs on civic education to respond to the violence in North Kivu. “Now that we are able to use internet I can be in touch with the whole world” said Mulumba the organization director.
- Trauma Healing and Awareness (T.H.A)
In Bukavu, South-Kivu
with a grant, Conseil pour la Paix et la Reconciliation, COPARE, our local partner was able to organize a Training of Trainers that aimed to train and equip 30 women raped or sexually assaulted to become trauma healing counselors. “This training transformed the 30 women from wounded of gender based violence to wounded healers”, said Pierre Zihindula. In fact Pierre passed away a year ago from malaria.
- Water for All and Public Safety
In Kikwit (Bandundu) see kuilu,
Tous Unis Pour Batir, TUBA, a CACPD local partner involves in Community Development was able to:
- build 5 water sources with a capacity to provide clean water to 2,000 families,
- Build 20 publics sanitation around 4 public markets to reduce the risk of Cholera;
- 5 bridges across river and ravines for public safety during rain seasons;
- Poverty Alleviation and Food Security (Sustainable Development)
In Kinshasa,
Three networks: Reseau des Femmes Mennonites du Congo, RFMC, and Groupement des Femmes Pour la Paix et le Development, GFPD, Groupement des Paysans de Maluku, GPM started were able to launch an HIV-AIDS campaign, a training of trainers in micro-credit, a training of trainers in Organic farming thanks to CACPD Grant.
- Community Peace Building
In Kinshasa,
Centre pour la Resolution des Conflits, Gouvernance et leadership, CRCGL, received a grant from CACPD to enhance their capacity in building and strengthening the local initiative for peace among key political activists.