By: Fidele Ayu Lumeya
Will the demise of Joseph Kony follow the demise of Gadhafi? In the wake of the killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen, and Gadhafi in Sirte, Libya, is it possible or likely that 100 US soldiers newly dispatched to the troubled countries of Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic will hasten the demise of Joseph Kony’s reign of terror? The new ingredients being injected into the on-going search and hopeful is it possible or likely that 100 US soldiers newly dispatched to the troubled countries of Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic will hasten the demise of Joseph Kony’s reign of terror? The new ingredients being injected into the on-going search and hopeful capture of Joseph Kony are counter-terrorist technology and significantly increased financial resources. Until now these elements have been missing or deficient in the search and capture missions undertaken by the countries suffering under Kony’s terror campaign.
Joseph Kony hails from northern Uganda where over the past decade he has recruited thousands of young men and women into his reign of mayhem and disruption. His political ideology is informed by a bizarre understanding of the biblical Ten Commandments upon which basis he proposes to reconfigure the political power structures within Uganda and in the region. He has been cited by the International Criminal Court as a war criminal while the United States government includes him and his disruptive militias on its terror list. Despite repeated attempts, mediation undertaken by faith-based organizations and civil society organizations has proven unsuccessful.